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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  November 23, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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president grant himself sweeping new powers. what does it mean for the country's future? a brutal attack in south africa leaves eight rhinoceroses dead. if is the latest in a killing spree which could bring the animals to extinction. >> this is a national loss, not just a loss for me. it is a loss for south africa. >> tired of turkey after thanksgiving? how about some sushi. anthony more dane talk to us about the food that inspired his new graphic novel. welcome to our viewers on public television in america and around the globe. across egypt today there have
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been violent protests following the president's decision to grant himself sweeping new powers. buildings belonging to the muslim brotherhood party have been ransacked, with some set on fire. the president says he has taken on the powers to help steer the country through the difficult transition to democracy, but critics claim he is trying to make himself a new pharaoh. >> fury in egypt as president morsi gives himself a big, new powers. there were protests across the country. in cairo, the crowds flooded back to tahrir square, where last year they celebrated the ousting of hosni mubarak. now they say the new president has become even more of the dictator with an edict saying the courts cannot challenge him.
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>> he is taking more power than mubarak. >> it was only days ago that the president was basking in the world and american approval as he helped mediate the gaza ceasefire. now washington has expressed its concern about the president's latest edict. the president came out to tell his supporters that he was only acting to defend the revolution. >> i feel you. i feel the heartbeat of the people and understand what the egyptian people want. >> for president morsi, this is a huge political gamble. his supporters love it, but has he overplayed his hand?
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>> we need him to take the power to the revolution, not to the mubarak system. >> the government has added fuel to a weeklong demonstration and violent confrontation. these protesters are angry that police who attacked previous protests have not been brought to justice. back in the square, the beginning of what could yet be more turbulent times for egypt. >> for more on the events unfolding in egypt, i spoke a brief time ago with a senior fellow at the hoover institution. thank you for coming in today. can i ask you then, what does this mean for democracy in egypt? >> we have to go back to the point of departure.
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clones the revolution -- who owns the revolution in egypt? after long period of gestation, they produced this president. for the secular forces, it is a revolution hijacked, stolen. all revolutions have this kind of disappointment, and we have to concede that the people who came together some 22 months ago or so have the right to feel disappointed. >> lots of anger on the streets, but also some people supporting this move. how divisive is this going to be? >> let's remember that when morsi won the presidency, it was like 51%-48%. two figures contested the presidency. one was a figure of the old regime and one was morsi.
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all the other forces divided themselves among the liberal candidates. he gave a speech laced with religion. he is a man of the muslim brotherhood. i think it is a complicated package now brings to the floor. e, he has given the crowd some of what they want. he sacked a very bad prosecutor and brought in a man who is a very good judge to complete the transition. >> what do you make of the timing of what he has done, coming on the heels, as it does, of his brokerage above the cease-fire between hamas and israel, which gained international plaudits? >> they are two events that in a
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way bracket the decision. one is a four $0.8 million deal with the international monetary fund. in a way, we have to concede that he is borrowing a page from the book of hosni mubarak. you make yourself helpful on the international stage. you brokered deals between israel and hamas and the palestinians. and then you do what you want at home. there was a test for him abroad. he now faces a democratic test. is he a genuine democrat, does he believe in one vote, one time? >> what should the u.s. reaction be? >> i think we should make it clear that even though we are grateful for what he did in gaza, we hold him to a high
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democratic standard within egypt itself. >> thank you very much indeed for joining us. no deal, that was the headline from the summit on the european union's long-term budget, which today ended in failure. while some heralded the discussion as constructive, the prime minister of britain accused brussels of living in a parallel universe. gavin hewitt is at the summit, and filed this report. >> europe's leaders had stood together, but they could not reach an agreement in the seven year budget. in the end, the differences were too great between those receiving the grants and those writing the checks. david cameron did not get what he wanted. >> we have had a good discussion. i think we understand each other's issues much better, but
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frankly, the deal on the table was not good enough. >> the original budget proposal of more than a trillion euros had been reduced by 80 million, but david cameron was particularly irritated that commissioners did not receive any cuts to their salaries. >> the idea that eu institutions are unwilling to consider these sorts of changes is insulting to taxpayers. >> david cameron insisted the british rebate was non- negotiable. on this occasion, the u.k. was not the outcast. it had allies in the dutch, the swedes, the finns. even the german chancellor was sympathetic to holding out for a deal that included britain. >> the second option is
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extremely unattractive. >> what are the sticking points? the overall size of the budget. the rebates, including britain's, and the cost of administration. differences have narrowed over farm subsidies and aiding poor regions. take a close look at the french president leaving the summit. despite all the disagreements, he says there were no threats or ultimatums, but france will continue to push for the british rebate to be reduced. david cameron came here with the ambition to freeze the next budget. he did not achieve that, but he kept some allies by his solid -- by his side, and was able to block a deal that would have been almost impossible to sell back home. as european leaders left, you could glimpse the frustration. they will have to be back here in the new year with no guarantee they will reach a budget agreement. >> now to a disturbing attack
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that took place on a farm in south africa. eight rhinoceros' were found dead after being targeted by poachers. that brings the total number of rhine has killed this year to 570 as a legal demand for their ballot -- illegal demand for their valuable horns surges. andrew harding reports. >> we are racing through the south african bush, heading toward the scene of another slaughter. this time, and a rhinoceros, seven female, have been gunned down. here, a mother lies close to her five month old daughter. both have their horns hacked off to be smuggled to asia for use in traditional medicine. >> i cannot get my mind around the loss.
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it is not just a loss for me. it is a loss for south africa. >> do you fear for rhinoceros in south africa and the world? >> absolutely. absolutely. this is a total onslaught. >> there is a killing frenzy going on in south africa. on average, two rhinoceros are being poached every day. the fear is that this ancient species could be pushed toward extinction. no one is sure exactly how many rhinoceros are left, perhaps 20,000, the vast majority in south africa. but look what they are up against. rare footage of the killing. a criminal gang of using south africa's licensed hunting system to shoot rhinoceros. south africa is trying to hit back, handing out long prison sentences and in some instances
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removing the horns from living rhinos to deter poachers. but it is not working. to these people, the rhinoceros is worth more dead than alive. >> depressing stuff. still to come tonight, ready, set, shop. will black friday bring a spring to the step of holiday season? to scott and now where a piece of history that was nearly lost in an -- scotland now where a piece of history that was nearly lost in an accident has been restored to its former glory. two years ago, a van crashed in an archway. the arch was reduced to rubble. stonemason's spent months painstakingly restoring it and today it was officially unveiled. >> a stately home with an historic past. this was once the seat of
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scottish kings who passed through here on their way to be crowned. but the ancient imposing entrance with centuries of history was almost completely destroyed when a worker misjudged the height of his band. -- van. >> this was the original coronation way of charles ii. sadly, they took the archway with them. >> restoring it was likened to a jigsaw. >> there were hundreds of stones to piece together, leaving those working on the restoration to restore the arch as correctly as possible. >> and we just researched as
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much as possible any type of ornament or decoration of that time. >> the restoration complete, the history intact once more. >> it is good that it has been restored. >> this ancient monument has survived in modern-day mishap. extra care is now taken to ensure the arch remains in one piece. >> nothings as the holidays like lining up for shopping and turning bargain hunting into a sport. it has been elevated to an art form in the u.s., where just one day after the thanksgiving holidays, shoppers were out in force. traditionally, it is the day when stores turn a profit for the year, and this year, crowds descended earlier than ever.
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>> grabbing a bargain on black friday is an annual american tradition. this was the scene in north carolina where hundred skewed overnight to be the first in the doors to get their hands on deals. this store opened on thanksgiving itself. it was a controversial move, but there was no shortage of shoppers. we have seen how important the holiday season as to retailers. many will make up to half of their sales for the entire year in the next few weeks alone. >> we have to do well now. traffic tapers off in january and february in terms of pure volume. if you do not sell it in december, you're not going to sell it. this is a critical time for us to watch and see what is working
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and then respond and make sure our customers are getting what they are looking for. >> 147 million americans are expected to shop this holiday weekend. that is down from last year's 152 million, but nonetheless, sales are expected to grow by 4.1%, the biggest rise since the recession. have consumers finally shaken off their worries about the economy? >> times are a little better. a little more idea last year. we can definitely spend a little more. not a lot more, but a little more. >> once we have spent enough, we stop. >> i want to make the kids happy, grandkids, that sort of thing. i am going to spend more to make everybody happy. >> that will make the retailers happy too. they have been forced to cut prices to keep hold of customers, and that has hit profits. >> retail has been tricky this year.
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it is not that the consumer is not spending, but they are spending in spurts. they are distracted by economic issues, political issues, even natural disaster. the consumer has found lots of reasons to spend but then stop. >> come the new year, they may have even less to spend. consumers will likely feel less well-off with coming tax hikes and spending cuts. even more reason for retailers to cash in now. >> for more on the black friday rash, i spoke a brief time ago with a bloomberg tv anger in new york. stephanie, thank you for coming in instead of doing a bit of shopping yourself. >> i am happier to be with you than wrestling at walmart. >> does this type of frenzied spending actually have any long- term benefit for the economy? >> is interesting. it is not just black friday.
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as was mentioned earlier, it is now black thursday, thanksgiving day, cyber monday, monday. so many of these retailers are offering incredible deals both online and in stores. they are not necessarily jacking up profitability, but they are creating a frenzy. shopping on these giving or the day after has become a cultural phenomenon. so many go out as part of a tradition and shop the next day. some folks were getting rain checks because the stores did not have enough in stock. if you compare it to back to school, back to school is something retailers have not been able to truly harness as one big event. it is a slow drip into september. even if you're not in the stores
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today, you do get enthusiastic about holiday shopping. this year there is expected to be an increase of 12% online shopping. last year, 38% of shopping was on line. even if you're not in the store, you might be tempted to go on line and see what deals are there. >> who is driving this? you have mobile apps that help your job better, but then the bargains are not there. who really benefits at the end of the day? >> is a little bit of both. the consumers winnow because they have the opportunity to price check. they can go into the best buy show room and then purchase on amazon. but because they are enjoying this couponing, they shot more. oftentimes online, you buy larger quantities. and some of these deals are not
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really deals. some of these prices have been offered at other points in the year because retailers test out over the summer and fall what sells. macy's today had diamonds tons on sale for $200. they're normally $600. but they offered this deal earlier in the year. consumers are addicted to deals. stores like j.c. penney that had such a struggle to get consumers back and offer everyday low prices, especially at the holidays. people want deals, not everyday low prices. they want to feel like they are getting a discount. it is a cultural thing. it is an adrenaline thing. >> a world renowned chef is turning his attention to a new adventure. anthony bordain ab best known
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for kitchen confidential, but his latest work is a graphic novel about two chefs with sushi skills. it is a topic anthony feels pretty passionate about. >> the fact that decades and decades have gone by of japanese chefs trying to refine the same 25-35 cuts of classic, old school sushi. it is the perfect marriage of ingredient and technique. >> my name is anthony. i used to be a chef and now i tell stories for a living. my latest production is a graphic novel called get jiro. he lives in a dystopian future. he was a former japanese gangster who had a passion for
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sushi. warring clans of bad guys fight over him. he pretty much tells them all. -- kills them all. it is a satirical worst-case scenario of all of the scenes and silliness in foodie culture right now. it is also a world that is violently split over opposing philosophies of food. there are people who do not care where their stuff comes from as long as it is good, and people for whom, presumably, all that matters is if it is local, pure, organic, of the earth. i think they are equally hypocritical and equally ridiculous. i wanted to create an imaginary world where somebody who abuses
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sushi gets the punishment they deserve. what would happen if a juror comes in here, and sits down -- jerk comes in here, sits down, makes a mistake and the chef leans over and cuts his head off. i needed to create a world where that would be permissible. the single largest and most common misunderstanding of sushi is that it is all about the fish as opposed to the fish and the rice. the second most misunderstood aspect is that sushi is about freshness. it is not at all. it is about catching the fish at the sweet spot between freshness and decay. anyone who loves food, who
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really loves food, no matter where they come from, will sooner or later respond ferociously to this sushi. >> anthony bordain speaking to us about his new graphic novel. the white house christmas tree has officially arrived at 1600 pennsylvania ave. first lady michelle obama and her two daughters were there to greet it and after being decorated it will go on display in the blue room. that brings today's program to a close. remember, you can find constant updates on our website. i'm jane and bryant. for all of us, thank you for watching. >> make sense of international
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news at >> funding of this presentation was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, and union bank. >> make sense of international news at >> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard to understand the industry you operate in, working to nurture new ventures and help provide capital for key strategic decisions. what can we do for you? >> bbc world news was presented by kcet los angeles.
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hi, neighbor! we're going to pick vegetables from our school garden. and then miss elaina's coming over for dinner. i'm excited to be with you, and i'll be right back. is made possible in part by... the richard king mellon foundation. dedicated for over sixty years
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to south western pennsylvania's quality of life, and competitive future. and by these pittsburg foundations. working together to enhance and enrich the lives of children for more than seventy-five years. and by the arthur vining davis foundations. dedicated to strengthening america's future through education. adcasting, dedicated to strengthening america's future and contributions to your pbs station, from viewers like you. in the neighborhood ♪ and contributions to your pbs station, ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ would you be mine? ♪ could you be mine? ♪ won't you be my neighbor? - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ a land of make-believe ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪
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♪ so much to do, so much to see ♪ ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along - ♪ i've got lots of friends for you to meet ♪ ♪ in this land of make-believe ♪ a friendly face on every street ♪ ♪ just waiting to greet you ♪ it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ♪ ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ in daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ (laughing) - hi, neighbor! we are in the vegetable garden at school. - hello, neighbor. come on, daniel, let's go pick some veggies! - vegetables! have you ever picked vegetables? i haven't. so i'm excited. here i come! look at our garden! what vegetables do you like? i like tomatoes! i can't believe how much our garden grew! wow!


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